Ana's Writing for the Sciences Portfolio
Final Self-Assessment

Final Self-Assessment

Throughout this semester, this class helped me a lot to get better in my writing skills. Thanks to this class now it’s easier for me to write a 500 word paragraph, in less than an hour. This will be my second semester at college and thanks to these English classes I have improved on my writing, listening, thinking, and speaking skills. 

Course Learning Objectives achieved thanks to this Writing for the Science class:

Course Learning Objective 1- In this class I got better at reading different perspectives to develop better rhetorical writing. Thanks to the Rhetorical Analysis assignment, I was able to understand and read different opinions about a specific topic, making me able to draw my own argument from other people’s perspectives.

Course Learning Objective 2- For me this learning objective reflects in the Resume and Cover letter assignment, which allowed me to get better in my strategies to write drafts, reading my essays again to edit them. This seems like a very insignificant skill, but drafts is what have saved me these two semesters at college, when I’m stuck in writing assignments. 

Course Learning Objective 3- This learning objective reminds me of the article that we wrote about provocative advertisements. In this assignment we had to choose a provocative advertisement, talk about its background and then make our own argument about it. Thanks to this, I have developed the strategy to show my opinion in a very professional way, using others’ perspectives. 

Course Learning Objective 4- This learning Objective reminds me of all the group work that we did, the peer reviews, the feedback and the discussion boards to use the feedback from our classmates to make our writing better. Also, working on groups just like the PSA, Literature Review, the Final Presentation, helped to learn how to work in groups in a very responsible way, also making me and my group improve in group time management, which is something very important in group work.

Course Learning Objective 5- This Learning Objective reminds me of the Group Research Project, where I have learned to use different writing strategies, get them together to share a specific message.

Coursen Learning Objective 6- This Course Learning also reminds me of the Rhetorical Analysis assignment, because in this assignment we had to break down the article or in this case the ad, to take a “side” and develop our arguments using other’s from different people. Another example of this is the PSA, where we had to choose an issue and take a stance toward that issue and find a solution. 

Course Learning Objective 7- This Course Learning Objective was one of the most important for me, because in my opinion it will be the one that will help me the most in college. Which is using sources, databases and articles as evidence. Using the internet to find the perfect article to support our claim. A perfect example for this is the Literature Review, where for the first time I had to use my college campus databases. At first I was kind of lost but through the assignment, it got easier. Now I know that I’ll be using it more often for my next english or any class.  

Course Learning Objective 8- This Course Learning Objective is very similar to the last one that I just explained. This one is very important because it helped to get better at summarizing, citing, and looking for articles. Using related quotes is very important for our essays. In this one we could use almost every assignment of the course as evidence, because in all of them we had to do research and use others’ opinions. 

Thanks to this class, I feel that I have achieved all the course learning objectives through these months. Doing assignments and analysis I have developed a better understanding in English composition. I know I will use these learning objectives in the future. And I’m very glad that I decided to take this class in my Freshman Year. 

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