Ana's Writing for the Sciences Portfolio
Collaborative Research Project

Collaborative Research Project

Research Project Draft:

Research Project Final:

Collaborative Research Project – Self Assessment

For me this assignment was very stressful, because me and my group didn’t know how to start with it. We asked our professor and she helped us a lot giving us some tips of how we should start. After we choose the topic, it was very easy for us to create a site, because it was related to our Literature Review topic. The topic for this Research project was “MindfulMedia: Navigating Mental Health in the Digital Age”. After finishing our first draft and the peer review, it helped us a lot to understand what were we doing wrong and how to improve it. We did a great job, we received really good feedbacks from our classmates and our professor. Thanks to this assignment I have achieved the Course Learning Objectives 2, 4, & 7, because thanks to our skills of doing research, using articles and citing sources, and using a new platform. Thanks to these learning objectives we got a very good grade on this project.