Ana's Writing for the Sciences Portfolio
Rhetorical Analysis

Rhetorical Analysis

Rhetorical Analysis- Self Assessment

At first, when she gave us this assignment I was kind of lost because I never did a Rhetorical Analysis before. After she explained everything, I understood that it wasn’t that hard. I kind of liked it though, for me was very exciting looking for controversial images or advertisements. After al the research that I did, I choose NIVEA’s ad. I choose this ad because I felt that it would be easy for me to write an essay about a “racist ad” these days, after all the black people movement that we have seen in the past few years. It was easy for me to get different perspectives from people of all different colors about this add and that helped me to build my essay. I also like this ad because NIVEA is a worldwide brand, meaning that this ad had a big impact everywhere. Also making a lot of black women insecure, this brand received a lot of hate from everyone for a while. In this assignment I think I have achieve Course Learning Objective 1. Where I was able to understand and read different opinions about an specific topic, making me able to draw my own argument from other people’s perspectives.

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